More for econs and maths, I can't even find the time to catch up on all my work now (even if I want to, so badly) since I reach home at like, 8 (or 9) and I'd be too drained by then to do anything! :/ Econs and maths seriously spells gg for me now so I better find some magic powers to let me stay awake during lectures bleh.
Mhmm, but I'm off to study for geog and do my art now (THE BEST SUBJECTS ON EARTH) so.... procrastinate procrastinate
OH AND I ALMOST LOST MY PW DRAFT 2 (which is totally different from draft 1) AND I SWEAR I WAS GOING OHMYGODNOSHITHELPMEDON'TDOTHISTOME ALL THE WAY. yeah of course, almost.
My muscles also hurt from sit-ups. At least it makes me feel less guilty for eating so much :P
Lastly, I'm going for rock fest tonight!!!! :D Only for two main attractions though, and I'm not gonna tell you what :D
a few pictures:
Raffles at his best :P Very cool, yo! (He looks like he's doing the thinker hand post from the back view!)
the bird looks kinda pregnant imo (birds can't be pregnant though)
the real thing was breathtaking!
you got caught on camera! Qy should be glad I didn't post her unglam ones up :D HAHA
Not the most glam shot you'll ever get, but :) Its Mr Toh & really admire his perserverance sometimes!
Tingwei & Xuanee! (L) ^_^
ElizaBIRD & Alvina! :D
The street performer I chatted with before watching the choir! (that's a dizi, btw) She had a few dizis of different pitches, too bad I couldn't try them :/ Really wanted to know (and try out) the difference between the dizi and the western flute (which I'm gonna play tomorrow, yay! :D)
that's the 6 dollar lime sorbet with an orange centre I got from an ulu shop (that's only supposed to do wholesale) I just peeped into the shop (more like a storeroom) and asked if I could buy icecream since there was a little poster on the door.
Having little chats with strangers are really nice, and I want to go backpack travelling someday!
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